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- novaler multibox 4k se New product 2022
novaler multibox 4k se New product 2022
نشر بتاريخ 2022-04-03 12:26 PM
novaler multibox 4k se New product 2022 To buy: 00963933587166 whatsap https://wa.me/963933587166 New Features of NOVALER Multibox 4K SE Built-in internal Wi-Fi with the device, allowing you to move between all systems without losing connection HDMI 2.0 4K high quality cable integrated with the device All-new hardware from the inside The new version of Android 7, the 2022 update, which has solved most of the problems on it, and its features are lightness and speed Supporting the Blind Scan feature on all satellites without exception Supporting the device from new teams that we will get to know soon, God willing 24 free months for the NOVALER TV app that works on Ingama 2 and on Android In addition to 2 free years for the server that did not disappoint us, and no SUPTV day that gives us VOD + IPTV + SAT